andreo spina

Dr. Andreo Spina on Re-Learning to Use Your Body (Functional Range Conditioning Interview)

3 Hip Mobility Stretching Exercises You Should Be Doing | Dr. Andreo Spina

Mobility Flow Patterns

Two Ways To Get Strong

The essence of your sport and how to train for it.

Spinal Movement

What CARs Represent

Why We Get Hurt

Let's talk about your spine.

FRS Critical Thinking - A Clinical Example of Sacroiliac Joint Pain

The Rotational Rule

Manual Biofeedback in Training.

Shoulder Mobility Exercises | Dr. Andreo Spina

Intrinsic Foot Strengthening by Dr. Spina

Ep 29: The Origin of Human Movement by Means of Natural Selection.

CARs vs 'Joint Circles' - FRS Creator Dr. Andreo Spina

Kinstretch Class Demo with Creator Dr. Andreo Spina

FRS Creator Dr. Andreo Spina - FRC Toronto 2019

Functional mobility as movement prerequisites

What are the different kinds of strength? Besides muscle, which anatomy dictates strength?

Discussing mobility longevity, connective tissue remodelling, and movement

💡Train Tissues, Not Exercises #Hip

Human movement optimization

Treating and SI Joint Problems